How to choose career | How to choose the right career | Career Counselling

career, Career, Career counseling, education, India

Introduction: How to choose the right career?

Choosing a career is a crucial yet very important decision of your life. This one decision will either make your life or can totally destroy it. “It’s like finding Nemo, very tough yet possible.” You should select the career which makes you happy and give you a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.

Today I’m going to share with you the secret technique to choose your perfect career with the help of ‘IKIGAI’.


What is IKIGAI?

Ikigai is the Japanese technique or formula to live a long, happy yet satisfactory life. Ikigai basically means the – ‘Purpose of life’ or ‘Meaning of the life’.

I’m going to teach you the technique to use Ikigai in your career in making decision. This secret weapon is highly used by many career counsellors.

Let’s learn the tecnique.

According to Ikigai, your career should be based on 4 important factors:

For this technique you are going to need a book and a pencil.

  • What you lOVE.

    1st list – Make a list of all the things which you love doing. It can be any random things, Make sure you add all those things which you completely enjoy doing.

  • What you are GOOD AT.

    2nd list – Select the things from the first list which you are good at. For example, I enjoy singing but I’m not good at it. I enjoy writing as well as I’m good at writing. Choose wisely all the things which you are absolutely good at.

    In the 2nd list many options from the first will get eliminated. Choose without being biased and just thinking about your happiness and satisfaction.
  • What the world NEEDS FROM YOU.

    3rd list – Now select the options from the 2nd list which world needs from you or what you can give to the world. Now, before making this List keep few thing in your mind, ‘Seclect only those options which you think you can do it for 24hours for about 15 years.’ Thinking like this will give you the perfect idea of your options.

    In the 3rd list many more things will be eliminated and you will get the perfect idea of your dream career. Note: Choose the options only based on your complelete hapinnes and satisfaction not based on the salary.
  • What you can be PAID FOR.

    4th and the last list – Now, from your 3rd list select the option which can generate enough income. This is the most important step which will give you the ultimate realization of your dream career.

    4th list will show you your true dreams and 'Purpose of your life.' This option will be the ultimate reason of your birth.

This technique is 101% beneficial. You are going to see miracles after using Ikigai for your career counselling.

Hope you guys got all the information and enjoyed reading it.

Thank you